昨日523 今日304 合計155168
課題集 ライラック2 の山

○自由な題名 / 池新
○学校、危機意識 / 池新

★先日、ある文科系の先生から(感) / 池新
 【1】先日、ある文科系の先生から、次のような趣旨の質問をいただいた。「脳科学の研究者たちは、いつでも細かい神経生理の最新知見を上げ、『このようにひとつひとつ明らかにしてゆくことによっていずれは脳の生み出すさまざまな現象を解明できるだろう』といいますね。【2】彼らの言葉は決まって『いずれ』『だろう』です。しかし本当にそうなのでしょうか? 臨死体験が脳の虚血の反応だというのは一見納得しやすい意見です。しかし問題はもっと根本的なところ、つまりなぜ臨死体験するのかというところにあるのではありませんか? 【3】脳について考えるときは、還元論的な手法だけでなく、哲学のような包括的なアプローチを用いることも重要なのではありませんか?」


○I am an English teacher(感) / 池新
I am an English teacher at a senior high school. Just after I became a teacher, I began to watch movies in English. But I have not known the names of American people in the movies. In class one day I was talking about a famous American movie called "Dirty Harry" in class and made a mistake in saying the name of a famous man in the movie. The name I said in class was 'Clint Westwood'. That was wrong. I made a mistake of saying 'West' for 'East'. The students in class laughed.
Then I got an idea for a meeting. I was asked to talk to the parents of some students. I decided to talk about this story in the meeting. I told the story to them. When I finished telling this story, they laughed. Because I told this at the beginning of the meeting, this helped them to relax.
People say that the Japanese are not good at making a story with humor. Japanese people often sleep or do not talk much in meetings. Why do they do this? Sometimes they are tired or just don't want to listen or talk, and speakers in Japan don't use humor so that people won't go to sleep in the meetings. But in English-speaking countries, humor helps people to relax and get ready for the next story.
An important thing in humor is not to tell stories of your successes but to tell stories of your mistakes. The other important thing is not to use the mistakes of others but to use your own mistakes. Humor that tells about one of your mistakes helps people to understand you more.
Another example of humor is the story of U.S. President George Bush. When he had to make a speech in front of a lot of people in a meeting in America, he said, "Today I would like to ask my wife to talk just like in Japan." The people laughed, because they knew that he was fine but, when he became sick in Japan, his wife talked to the people. He used his bad experience to make humor. This story relaxed the people in the meeting.
Like Mr. Bush, I used my own bad experience to make humor. By using humor, people will not go to sleep in a meeting. After the humor, people will listen to the talk better. The meeting will be more interesting and people will not sleep. So let's make humor and have fun.